The process..

I utilize different sharpening methods, depending on the situation. My preferred sharpening method is a water cooled machine that allows me to switch between different substrates. I use CBN, Diamond, Japanese Waterstone, Sandstone and Leather wheels. Unlike belt sharpening which produces friction and heat, water keeps the the steel cold while sharpening and keeps the temper intact. That way your knives stay sharper, longer! My grit progression starts at 360, 600, 1200 and finally 4,000

What sets RazorSharpAZ apart from the rest is the difference between sharp and RazorSharp!

Often times two edges may appear indistinguishable to the naked eye, but under magnification the extra time and steps we put into our edges can be appreciated. The real appreciation comes when cutting with a truly sharp knife. Material is separated almost effortlessly and your level of enjoyment and satisfaction is increased.

When sharpening serrated knives, a rock hard felt pad is utilized.